Lisez des histoires sur l’infertilité ainsi que des articles et des événements qui se déroulent à Fertility Friends Foundation. Rejoignez-nous pour soutenir ceux qui luttent contre l’infertilité.
Breaking down financial barriers to surrogacy with the newest FFF grant!
Author: Baden Colt, Not My Tummy Building a family through surrogacy means clearing many obstacles. From creating embryos to trying to match with a surrogate to finally meeting your long-awaited little one, the process is long and challenging. On top of the physical...
8 Financial Tips to Prepare for the IVF Journey
So….you’ve decided to embark on the IVF journey. Preparing for in vitro fertilization (IVF) financially can be a daunting task, but careful planning and consideration can make the process much more manageable! Here are 8 top tips to help you financially prepare for...
Infertility is in Your Workplace
Did you know that 1 in 6 individuals globally are affected by infertility? My husband and I fell into this bucket and it’s not a fun statistic to be a part of. We struggled for over four years to build our family. Infertility makes you feel as though your family...
Our Journey to Fatherhood: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly
The most challenging part of this has been the powerlessness of it all. The fact that no matter what you try to do, you are at the mercy of so many things beyond your control. It can be infuriating, depressing and it is definitely exhausting. But let me take a step...
Supporting Indigenous Families with the Fertility Friends Foundation
As I sit down to write this blog post, I find myself overcome with a mix of emotions—excitement, gratitude, and a profound sense of purpose. I am thrilled to announce that I have embarked on a two-year grant journey with the Fertility Friends Foundation, an...
My Choice to Become a Single Mother: A Journey of Self-Discovery and Empowerment
I've always known that I wanted to be a mom someday. It's something that I was looking forward to as soon as I was married. But, life doesn't always unfold as planned and it certainly did not for me. For years, I would watch my birthdays pass by, knowing that my...
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Les subventions sont ouvertes aux personnes ou aux couples qui espèrent fonder une famille par le biais de la procréation assistée. Notre organisation prend au sérieux les difficultés financières et chaque bénéficiaire d’une subvention sera pris en considération.