Read a heartfelt infertility story about resilience, hope, and determination.

With the advances of science, medicine, and technology fertility specialists have made breakthroughs with assisting couples in achieving a successful pregnancy. OHIP covers virtual consultations with a fertility specialist and infertility tests but the waiting list for financial assistance for fertility treatments is lengthy.  In addition, finding the right clinic and physicians you trust to guide you through your fertility journey, to be supportive, and provide medical guidance is imperative.

In Canada, 1 in 6 couples experience infertility and unfortunately many go through this hardship but are not limited to physical and psychological challenges, and financial burden. As a woman who has gone through infertility, you can become numb to the situation. Imagine putting on armor and fight through pain, both physical and psychological, because your dream of having a baby out ways the stress and pain your body goes through.  You end up begging your body to conceive naturally.

You place trust, hope, and faith into the healthcare system and only receive a chance to your body to bear a child.

Read this infertility story of resilience, hope, and determination.  We are here for you.

“Infertility was one of the hardest journeys my husband and I have ever had to go through. After multiple tests and blood work, we were considered to have “unexplained infertility”.  We thought that meant our dreams and wishes of having a baby would be easy once we started treatment.  We started off with IUI’s — 3 procedures later and we still weren’t successful. Given the success rate of IUI’s, we made the tough decision to move onto IVF. I still remember the worry and overwhelming feeling of anxiety that overcame me as I was told the approximate cost, however, our desire to have a baby outweighed all of that. 

3 IVF cycles later and about 8 years in between due to the financial hardship of saving for medications and treatments, we were still left with empty arms and dreams unfulfilled.

My husband and I decided it was time to seek one more opinion before we made the tough decision that maybe parenthood wasn’t in the cards for us. Our second opinion found us many steps backwards but included more testing, and bloodwork.  The test results found there were unresolved and underlying issues that needed to be fixed.  In our case we started immunotherapy and after about 3 months of treatments and following the physicians recommended medicine dose(s), we decided to move forward with another IVF treatment.

$80,000 and almost 10 years of fertility testing/treatments from beginning to end, we now have a beautiful baby boy. My heart aches for each couple who endure the financial burden that comes with infertility.

This testimonial ended on a happy note and this family finally got to hold their precious child. The pain, suffering, and sacrifice was worth it in the end.  However, not all infertility journeys end with a baby and not all journeys are a quick fix.

For many, fertility journeys can be much more complicated.  When you see a couple without a baby think twice about asking them why they are not pregnant, or when will they have children.  Please reconsider!!

Starting conversations surrounding infertility is a great way to remove stigmas and build awareness.  Fertility Friends Foundation is here to help alleviate infertility hardships and support those going through fertility treatments.  You are never alone.


Join Us in Lending a Helping Hand

Together we can lend a helping hand to couples who dream of having a child. The generous support of individuals like you makes it possible to alleviate the financial and psychological burden of infertility

Grant Application

Grants are open to individuals or couples who hope to build their family through assisted reproduction.  Our committee takes financial hardship seriously and consideration will be given to each grant recipients.