Our fertility journey started 3 years ago when my husband and I got married and I wasn’t getting pregnant after 8 months. I saw my gynecologist and he told me to keep trying as it hadn’t been a year yet. One year is the time that a healthy couple usually takes to conceive in the fertility world. However, I knew something was wrong. Fast forward exactly one year since we got married on the week of our one-year anniversary, I took a pregnancy test and low and behold, I was PREGNANT! I couldn’t believe it. However, that quickly ended and we lost the baby at 5 and a half weeks. Another year goes by and nothing. No pregnancy, not even a hint of a line on any test. I panicked again and went to go see a different Gynecologist and that is when he confirmed I have endometriosis. Endometriosis affects 1 in 8, however I think the stats have drastically changed and I think it’s more like 1 in 4 now. My husband and I have been through so much together over the past 3 years including 2 rounds of IVF that yielded us 2 embryo’s and we are about to do a third IVF round.

We applied for the Fertility Friends Foundation grant because we financially could not afford another round of IVF without going into debt. FFF gave us hope, but not just hope. a chance. A chance to do another round and potentially yield more embryos which give us a higher chance of a full-term pregnancy.

Infertility is one of the hardest things my husband and I have been through, but if it taught us something, it taught us to appreciate every little thing in life. Do not take anything for granted. We love each other more now, than we ever have. My husband has been nothing but supportive and has been my rock when times get tough. This is our battle that we are fighting, but hopefully it will end soon and we will have our baby in our arms.

Thank you FFF for giving us a chance, a chance at growing our family. We are forever grateful!