Lisez des histoires sur l’infertilité ainsi que des articles et des événements qui se déroulent à Fertility Friends Foundation. Rejoignez-nous pour soutenir ceux qui luttent contre l’infertilité.
GLP-1 Medications and Fertility: What you need to know
Glucagon-like protein receptor agonists (GLP-1 RA) have been an exciting new development in the world of weight loss medication. Termed often as “GLP-1s,” these are the class of medications that include semaglutide (brand names Ozempic) and tirzepatide (brand name...
Exercise and Fertility: How Physical Activity Can Enhance Conception Success
Fertility is a crucial aspect of reproductive health, determining an individual's ability to conceive and sustain a pregnancy. While some people conceive effortlessly, others struggle due to various factors such as hormonal imbalances, lifestyle factors, and...
Our journey to Mairi: honouring Caitlin
When we welcomed our beautiful daughter, Mairi, into this world, it felt like relief. Like we could finally exhale. Excitement quickly followed. My husband, Chris, placed an announcement in the newspaper. I intervened at the last minute to stop him from putting a...
Understanding the Basics of Ovulation: An Informative Guide Explaining What Ovulation Is, How it Occurs, and its Role in the Fertility Cycle.
Ovulation is a fundamental process that plays a vital role in the reproductive system of individuals with ovaries. Knowing about ovulation is essential, whether you are trying to conceive, avoid pregnancy, or simply gain a better understanding of your body! You may...
Supporting Your Loved One During Fertility Treatments: Why It’s So Important
By Melissa Kooyman, Founder of The Vine Box Fertility treatments are an emotionally and physically demanding journey that can feel overwhelming for those going through them. The process often involves a series of medical appointments, blood draws, medications, and...
Bridging the Fertility Gap for the Black Community in Canada
Written by: Patricia Dada, MA, BA | Founder, Black Fertility Journal, Inc. It is essential to ensure everyone can build the family they desire, regardless of race, gender, or socio-economic status. Fertility challenges are a deeply personal and often stressful...
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