NIGHT 1: Dance it out

NIGHT 1: Dance it out

Celebrating Hope and Community: Night 1 with Day 1 Fertility and Fertility Friends Foundation We are now in mid-March and anticipation is mounting for Night 1—an extraordinary event co-hosted by Fertility Friends Foundation (FFF) and Day 1 Fertility.  There has yet to...
The Fertility Magic Wand

The Fertility Magic Wand

I would wave it around and tap it on my belly and everyone else’s belly and poof there it would be a perfect grade AA embryo, implanted beautifully in a 10mm uterus lining and nine months later a baby in our arms.   A girl can dream right!?   But the truth...
The Fertility Magic Wand

La baguette magique de la fertilité

Je l’agitais, je le tapais sur mon ventre et sur celui des autres, et voilà qu’un embryon parfait de grade AA s’implantait merveilleusement dans un utérus de 10 mm de diamètre et, neuf mois plus tard, nous avions un bébé dans les bras.   Une...