
Read about infertility stories, articles, and events happening at Fertility Friends Foundation.  Join us to help support those struggling with infertility. 

My Story: Life with Endometriosis

My Story: Life with Endometriosis

Studies show that 33% of women do not know what endometriosis is, 45% of women can not name any of its symptoms, and 74% of men have never heard of it. Known as the “Silent Epidemic”, endometriosis, or endo, it is a chronic, debilitating, and extremely painful disease...

Our journey to Mairi: honouring Caitlin

Our journey to Mairi: honouring Caitlin

When we welcomed our beautiful daughter, Mairi, into this world, it felt like relief. Like we could finally exhale. Excitement quickly followed. My husband, Chris, placed an announcement in the newspaper. I intervened at the last minute to stop him from putting a...

Join Us in Lending a Helping Hand

Together we can lend a helping hand to couples who dream of having a child. The generous support of individuals like you makes it possible to alleviate the financial and psychological burden of infertility

Grant Application

Grants are open to individuals or couples who hope to build their family through assisted reproduction.  Our committee takes financial hardship seriously and consideration will be given to each grant recipient.