
Read about infertility stories, articles, and events happening at Fertility Friends Foundation.  Join us to help support those struggling with infertility. 

The Fertility Magic Wand

The Fertility Magic Wand

I would wave it around and tap it on my belly and everyone else’s belly and poof there it would be a perfect grade AA embryo, implanted beautifully in a 10mm uterus lining and nine months later a baby in our arms.   A girl can dream right!?   But the truth...

Pregnancy and Infant Loss: Moving Through the Grief

Pregnancy and Infant Loss: Moving Through the Grief

“Let everything happen to you: beauty and terror. Just keep going. No feeling is final.” ~ Rainer Maria Rilke   I love this quote for 2 reasons. The first is because it reflects what I tell all my patients: allow yourself to feel all your emotions, good and bad....

Join Us in Lending a Helping Hand

Together we can lend a helping hand to couples who dream of having a child. The generous support of individuals like you makes it possible to alleviate the financial and psychological burden of infertility

Grant Application

Grants are open to individuals or couples who hope to build their family through assisted reproduction.  Our committee takes financial hardship seriously and consideration will be given to each grant recipient.