Hello! We are Tamara and Emily, a couple from Southern Ontario.

We have an extremely cute goldendoodle named Libby and together enjoy camping, hiking, music, sports (Tam enjoys playing and Emily enjoys watching), exploring new places, cooking, spending time with friends and family, and of course, lazy days inside reading as many books as we can get our hands on.

We have both always known we wanted children, in fact we discussed it the second time we ever spoke lol. To be able to share our passions, knowledge, experiences, and to learn new things together.

To have the opportunity to watch our children grow and develop in their own ways. It’s always been something we knew should and would be a part of our life together. 

It also helps that we both come from fun loving and dependable families which have been an amazing support system through our journey, and who would be overjoyed to help us welcome children into our lives.  

We’ve been on a unique fertility journey the last 3 years. As a same sex couple we’ve both had the opportunity to go through each stage of fertility, and on top of that, at the same time. Through poking, prodding, blood taking, pill popping and sadly, like a lot of people, loss and disappointment. We’ve been through countless procedures, tests and surgeries (including 6 IUI’s, 3 rounds of IVF, 2 egg retrievals and a handful of transfers) and as you can imagine, spent a lot of money.

Being able to both experience each stage has given us a unique understanding of what the other is/was going through (physically and emotionally), and allowed us to bond and support each other in a special way.

Never did we imagine that we both would struggle to have children. While it can be so easy to get lost during this emotional roller coaster journey, it has been wonderful having each other along for the ride.

Someone who truly understands what the other is going through and is there to care and be there for each other no matter what. 

While fertility is physically and mentally extremely difficult, we continue to be positive, hopeful and optimistic that our family will one day expand to include not just our fur baby haha.

So here we are! Ready to do it all again thanks to the amazingly generous people at Fertility Friends Foundation granting us this wonderful opportunity.

We are forever grateful!

For more information about our registered charity and fertility grants.