Interview with Katie and Kate

Interview with Katie and Kate

Katie and I met in Toronto, on a complete whim, in 2009. I was trying to find a pen, and after finding a pen that actually worked, I ended up with Katie’s number. Best thing I have ever written on a piece of paper! I called her and, shortly after, we started our life...
Guide to IVF

Guide to IVF

“Since I was very young, I knew I wanted to have children. Years passed by and I had a few serious relationships but none of them lasted. I still really wanted a child and I started thinking of doing it on my own and being a single mom. I went to a fertility...
Application Tips

Application Tips

We want you to maximize your chance to receive a grant from Fertility Friends Foundation so here are a few tips to guide you! Check out our website and grant application webpage for more information. Website Grant Application You will find a lot of information on our...
Infertility is not easy.

Infertility is not easy.

Read a heartfelt infertility story about resilience, hope, and determination. With the advances of science, medicine, and technology fertility specialists have made breakthroughs with assisting couples in achieving a successful pregnancy. OHIP covers virtual...