We wanted to thank everyone at Fertility Friends foundation for making this journey possible.

Knowing a program like this exists that goes above and beyond for people struggling with fertility and that makes a difference for so many people means so much more than the grant itself.  

I’ve never felt so encouraged and hopeful to continue my fertility treatment.  I’ve been on the funded IVF list for 3 years and haven’t received a funded cycle.  Every fertility journey is different and I feel the health care system does not support all the different kinds of fertility Treatment needed, especially for patients like me.  3 different clinics have suggested my only option is to proceed with an egg donor which isn’t covered at all. 

Thanks to an existing grant from Fertility Friends Foundation, they can make a difference in people’s lives as it has made an impact in our journey.  I will forever be in debt for this Foundation that cares and makes a difference.


Maryline V and Vong Nakhom


For more information about our registered charity and fertility grants.