by Randi & Cleat | Jan 5, 2024 | Fall 2023 Grant Recipients
It’s not easy to write our entire journey in a concise story for others to read, because it has been such a long road, filled with so much emotion, strength and unwavering hope. It seems impossible to capture it all in a few words, but we will try. We got married in...
by Maria | Dec 7, 2023 | Infertility
The holidays are a time of year filled with laughter, joy, presents, and memories. Everyone loves to see the excitement that children have when opening gifts or taking pictures with Santa. For those struggling with infertility, mourning the absence of a baby, and...
by Angela Truppe | Nov 2, 2023 | Fertility Education
Egg freezing (Oocyte cryopreservation) is a safe and well-established procedure to help ensure that your reproductive options remain open. Oocyte cryopreservation involves the extraction and freezing of a female’s eggs, to preserve their viability for future...
by Emily Getz | Oct 16, 2023 | Fund
I would wave it around and tap it on my belly and everyone else’s belly and poof there it would be a perfect grade AA embryo, implanted beautifully in a 10mm uterus lining and nine months later a baby in our arms. A girl can dream right!? But the truth...
by Laura | Jul 27, 2023 | Spring 2023 Grant Recipients
I am deeply privileged that in my work as a clinical child and adolescent psychologist, those most vulnerable in our society allow me to come into their lives, bear witness to their pain, and walk alongside them on their road to wellness. While it is an honour to be...