Here is a little piece of advice:

Always make sure you have enough left in your tank to get across the line.

Sometimes all the appointments, tasks, feeling of anxiety and overwhelm are too much to bear when on your fertility journey and your body and brain screams “Take a Break”.  What should you do?  LISTEN.

Doing too much, too quickly or too often, can deplete your energy, leaving you nothing, and possibly unable to cross the finish line.

1. Taking care of yourself

In our fast-paced world taking care of yourself has become anything but a necessity. If you find that your life has turned into one big “to do” list, it really is time to do a self-care check.  Think about what nourishes you and puts energy back into your emotional tank. This is critical for success!


Take a nature walk, spend time on your own, have a good laugh with friends or dig up the garden.  These are all ways to recharge and have a little fun at the same time!

Whatever it is, it’s important that throughout your fertility journey, these activities are given as much priority as you give to your work, appointments, or trips to see your fertility professionals. Self-care is knowing when you are feeling depleted and actively doing things that give you life again.

2.  Celebrate small wins along the way – every step is a win

If you have been trying to conceive for some time, chances are your brain has started to shine a spotlight on all the things that are not going well. These negative thoughts filter out helpful information, leading to feelings of hopelessness and helplessness. Even if you tune in to something that has gone well, you may find that you do not allow yourself to feel excited for fear that it will be taken away.

Don’t forget the small stuff! Your brain and body may continue to experience a state of fight and flight why you take a break – don’t let it.  Honouring what has gone well, even if it is the smallest thing, and give yourself a moment to let your mind and body know that right now, I am okay.

3.  Giving yourself rest and recharging is not a waste of time

When you are constantly up against the fertility clock, taking a break can feel like the worst possible piece of advice but there are positive benefits to doing so. Remember that a break does not have to be an extended period. It might be a day, a weekend, or a month where you actively dedicate time to doing things unrelated to your fertility journey.  Whatever it is that you decide, give it 100%.

4.  Surround yourself with a support network and connect with those who build you up

Human beings are hardwired for connection. Forming strong ties with family, friends, colleagues, neighbours, and our community is important, if not essential, for our mental and physical health.  Taking a step back from relationships that are not serving us is an act of courage. Don’t be afraid to set boundaries with people and give them some guidance on what you need.  These people are close to you and will appreciate your honesty and openness.

5.  Taking a well-deserved break can build your inner strength. 

Focus on things that bring joy, happiness, and wellbeing to your life will allow you for once to press pause on everything that is going on around you.

Actively pursuing other life goals and activities brings opportunities to fill up your emotional and psychological tank, while also creating opportunities to feel a sense of achievement, and accomplishment in other life areas.  Avoid the temptation to put everything on hold until after you achieve pregnancy and consider what you can do now that can help you feel alive and vital.

Every journey takes courage and perseverance: your fertility journey is no exception. Work on developing resilience so that your inner strength reserves can carry you safely across the finish line.


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