Rencontrez nos 2022
Bénéficiaires des subventions
La Fertility Friends Foundation est fière de vous présenter les bénéficiaires de ses subventions pour 2022 ! Leurs histoires sont toutes différentes mais ils partagent le lourd fardeau de l’infertilité. Fertility Friends Foundation est heureuse de leur donner plus d’espoir dans leur parcours et une chance supplémentaire de réaliser leur rêve de devenir parents. Sans plus attendre, voici les lauréats de la bourse 2022 !
Bénéficiaires des subventions du printemps 2022
Spring 2022 Grant Recipient, Annelies & Matthew
When I went off to post-secondary, I had an intuition that things were not right with my cycle. I went to a family friend, who was a registered nurse, who referred me to the gynecologist. When I went to the first appointment, he said that I would have difficulty...
Spring 2022 Grant Recipient, Julie & Krzysztof
The notion of having a family has been so deeply entrenched in me since early childhood. As an only child and a first-generation immigrant, having a large family has always been a dream of mine. My family is Chinese. They lived through the Cultural Revolution and are...
Spring 2022 Grant Recipient, Olivia & Matthew
Our fertility journey started 3 years ago when my husband and I got married and I wasn't getting pregnant after 8 months. I saw my gynecologist and he told me to keep trying as it hadn't been a year yet. One year is the time that a healthy couple usually takes to...
Spring 2022 Grant Recipient, Cameron & Justyn
Our story began just under 9 years ago in September 2013. We had met over breakfast and talked about our dreams, goals, and love for dogs. Since then, we have shared almost every waking moment at each other’s side. We studied together through university, found the joy...
Boursiers de l’automne 2022
Fall 2022 Grant Recipient, Shirley & Kristoffer
We knew getting married back in 2015 that we wanted to start a family right away, 3 months after we found out we were pregnant. We were so happy and excited, but that happiness and excitement turned into a devastating reality when we found out it was an ectopic...
Fall 2022 Grant Recipient, Claudia & Sarah
Claudia and I have been together for a total of 5yrs (as of this January). We got married in 2019 and after our wedding we began talking about growing our family and wanting to start the process soon after that. Then covid-19 hit and we had to postpone our plans due...
Fall 2022 Grant Recipient, Stella & Marlon
Where do we begin!! Marlon and I met many years ago and have been inseparable ever since. Our core values, ambition, humour and love of the outdoors, family and friends aligned and drew us together and we have been living life to its fullest together ever since. We...
Fall 2022 Grant Recipient, Daryl & Richard
My husband and I have been together for 10 years, married going on four, and we’ve been trying to conceive for six and a half. When we decided to start trying, we thought it would happen pretty quickly after I went off my birth control, but a year later, we were going...
Fall 2022 Grant Recipient, Nicole & Wayne
When Wayne and I met, we had both been looking to settle down. Our love was romantic and full. We put off having children until we both felt stable in our careers. A few years ago, we stopped 'not' trying to have kids. A year after that, with no pregnancy, we started...
Fall 2022 Grant Recipient, Charlie & Emily
We are so thankful and more than grateful to receive a grant from Fertility Friends Foundation. We have been struggling for almost 7 years of secondary infertility. You could just imagine how costly 7 years of treatments can be. Foundations like yours can really help...
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Demande de subvention
Les subventions sont ouvertes aux individus ou aux couples qui espèrent fonder leur famille grâce à la procréation assistée. Notre comité prend les difficultés financières au sérieux et une considération sera accordée à chaque récipiendaire de subvention.