Fall 2023 Grant Recipient – Stacey

Fall 2023 Grant Recipient – Stacey

Never in a million years would I have expected, nor been prepared to hear the words “You need to try IVF.”  Like so many others, I grew up educated on how not to get pregnant. Birth control, condoms, tracking your cycle to avoid your most fertile days… all of this...
The Fertility Magic Wand

The Fertility Magic Wand

I would wave it around and tap it on my belly and everyone else’s belly and poof there it would be a perfect grade AA embryo, implanted beautifully in a 10mm uterus lining and nine months later a baby in our arms.   A girl can dream right!?   But the truth...
Spring 2023 Grant Recipient, Laura

Spring 2023 Grant Recipient, Laura

I am deeply privileged that in my work as a clinical child and adolescent psychologist, those most vulnerable in our society allow me to come into their lives, bear witness to their pain, and walk alongside them on their road to wellness. While it is an honour to be...