Rencontrez nos 2023
Bénéficiaires des subventions
La Fertility Friends Foundation est ravie de vous présenter les bénéficiaires de ses subventions pour l’année 2023 ! Leurs histoires sont toutes uniques et ils partagent tous le lourd fardeau de l’infertilité. Fertility Friends Foundation est heureuse de leur donner plus d’espoir dans leur parcours et une chance supplémentaire de réaliser leur rêve de devenir parents. Sans plus attendre, voici les lauréats de la bourse 2023 !
Fall 2023 Grant Recipient – Stacey
Never in a million years would I have expected, nor been prepared to hear the words “You need to try IVF.” Like so many others, I grew up educated on how not to get pregnant. Birth control, condoms, tracking your cycle to avoid your most fertile days… all of this...
Fall 2023 Grant Recipient – Randi & Cleat
It’s not easy to write our entire journey in a concise story for others to read, because it has been such a long road, filled with so much emotion, strength and unwavering hope. It seems impossible to capture it all in a few words, but we will try. We got married in...
Fall 2023 Grant Recipient – Melanie & Nikolas
Hi, we are Nik and Mel! We want to start off by saying we are so overwhelmed with gratitude that we were chosen as one of the Fall 2023 grant recipients. We cannot thank Fertiity Friends Foundation enough for this grant as it eases the financial burden of starting...
Fall 2023 Grant Recipient – Laura
I am a single 37 year old woman who has not yet found the right one and doesn't want to delay and risk losing my chance to have a child so I decided to have one on my own. I am a public servant with the Federal Government in Ottawa. I work at home full-time and have...
Fall 2023 Grant Recipient – Khrystyne & Jaysun
Khrystyne & Jaysun are receipients of Fertility Friends Foundation's Dr. Shannon Corbett 2SLGBTQ+ Fertility Fund. This fund was created in memory of Dr. Shannon Corbett who was an unwavering beacon of hope, expertise, and support through every patient’s care. ...
Fall 2023 Grant Recipient – Julie & Scott
I struggle for words to truly express the gratitude I have for the Fertility Friends Foundation. I am in awe of their generosity, empathy and compassion for those like me who yearn to become a parent. Ever since my husband and I decided to turn a long distance...
Fall 2023 Grant Recipient – Genevieve
Navigating the complexities of infertility is definitely challenging! You just can’t predict how long that path will be for you! How many bumps you will face… At my first meeting with my doctor, I learned that I had a cyst on my left ovary and another very small one...
Fall 2023 Grant Recipient – Esteban & Kelly
Dear Fertility Friends Foundation, We like to compile our story with a mix of gratitude and grief, a story that many times passes through the intersection of hope and despair, while navigating the difficult landscape of infertility. A journey full of its ups and downs;...
Fall 2023 Grant Recipient – Adrien & Matthieu
Adrien and Matthieu are the proud recipients of the first Day 1 Grant created by Day 1 Fertility. Apart from the $5,000 financial support, the Day 1 Grant offers coaching services to help grant recipients navigate their fertility journey. 10% of proceeds from Day 1...
Spring 2023 Grant Recipients, Georgia & Jerome
I am writing this testimonial with overwhelming gratitude in our hearts to express how truly blessed my wife and I feel to have been chosen as recipients of the Fertility Friends Foundation. The journey we have undertaken to conceive a child has been one filled with...
Spring 2023 Grant Recipient, Laura
I am deeply privileged that in my work as a clinical child and adolescent psychologist, those most vulnerable in our society allow me to come into their lives, bear witness to their pain, and walk alongside them on their road to wellness. While it is an honour to be...
Spring 2023 Grant Recipients, Yulieth & Manual
To thank Fertility Friends Foundation for this generous grant, we have put a video together to expresss our thoughts towards this grant and to once again thank this Foundation for helping us through our journey.
2023 Spring Grant Recipients, Jessica & Meghan
My personal fertility journey started over 15 years ago. I always knew I wanted to be a mother, but as some who’d be in a relationship with a woman, I knew starting a family was going to look a little different. After years of being childless not by choice, failing to...
Spring 2023 Grant Recipients, Nadia & Michael
We are writing to express our deepest gratitude for the generous grant awarded to us by Fertility Friends Foundation. Your support has made a profound impact on our journey towards building a family, and we are incredibly thankful for this opportunity. Receiving the...
2023 Spring Grant Recipients, Cerise & Cedric
As a 40-year-old woman, my life is about to change because of the generosity and empathy of the Fertility Friends Foundation. My dream as a young lady growing up was always to have children. From my early twenties, I tried to get pregnant but it never happened. After...
2023 Spring Grant Recipients, Alexa & Kevin
Alexa and I have been married since 2016, but we have known one another since high school. As friends, we were in each others’ orbits for at least twelve years, until it became obvious that we were in love and were always meant to be together. The thought of raising a...
Spring 2023 Grant Recipients, Dana & Jamal
I lost my husband in February 2022 after a 4 1/2 year battle with brain cancer. Our fertility journey began after he was suddenly diagnosed with a brain tumor. After emergency brain surgery and pending radiation treatment, we decided to safeguard our plan of...
Spring 2023 Grant Recipients, Alana & Andrew
Hi, our names are Alana and Andrew, we are 28 and 29 years old, and live in New Tecumseth Ontario. We have been married for 3 years but have been together for 10 years. We are both from large European families, and both feel that family is the most important thing to...
Spring 2023 Grant Recipients, Adriana & Carlos
We have been trying to have children for more than 10 years, and our way to try has been physically and mentally exhausting. We have both dreamed of being the parents of a boy or girl and we always imagine what it would be like or how it would look. When we decided to...
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Demande de subvention
Les subventions sont ouvertes aux individus ou aux couples qui espèrent fonder leur famille grâce à la procréation assistée. Notre comité prend les difficultés financières au sérieux et une considération sera accordée à chaque récipiendaire de subvention.